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French Books

Emma et Marie, 1846, France
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The Hundred Wonders of Science & Arts, 1847, France
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The Gingerbread Fair, 1877, France
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The Queen's God Daughter, French
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Bulletin Des Lois de L'Empire Francais, 1808
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Theatre Des Auteurs, 1810, France
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Life of Seneque the Philosopher, 1778, France
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Theatre Des Auteurs, 1810, France
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Traite des Legions, 1753, France
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Almanach Des Muses, 1816, France
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Letters on Italy, 1827, France
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Percibule by Marguerite Combes
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Funny Tales of H. De Balzac, French Vintage Paperback
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Le Droit Civil Francais, Volume 8, 1830
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French Civil Law Book Set, 1830
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The Invisible Monsters, France, 1878
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Works of J.J. Rousseau, France, 1782
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Physique Elementaire, Orange Decorative Book
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Arrege du Catechisme de Perseverance, France
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Arithmetique, Librairie Armand Colin, France
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Heidi Grandit by Johanna Spyri, Vintage
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Decorative Early 1800's European Book Set
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L'Esprit de L'Encyclopedie, France
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Les Vies Des Hommes Illustres, 1811, France
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Histoire de la Conjuration, 1800, France
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Histoire Des Revolutions & Other, France, 1772
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Sainte Bible en Latin et en Francois, 1776, Italy
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Bulletin Des Lois de France, 1831, France
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L'Observateur ou Monsieur Martin, 1820, France
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Les Vies Des Hommes Illustres, 1811, France
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Le Roi de Coeur, 1876, France
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Decorative Shabby Chic Book Set, France
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Litterature Ancienne et Moderne, 1829, France
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The Works of J.J. Rousseau, 1822, Rance
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The Works of Voltaire, 1822, France
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Sermons Choisis du P. La Rue, 1830, France
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Bulletin De Empire Francais, 1812, France
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Dictionnaire Francais - Italien, 1857 (French to Italian)
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Ephemerides, 1803, Shabby Chic French Book
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Almanach des Muses, 1817, France
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Almanach Des Muses, 1777, France
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Notice des Monumens Publics, 1820, France
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Meilleurs Romans Set, 1828, France
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Le Comte de Valmont by Raison, 1807, France
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The Works of J.J. Rousseau, 1822, France
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The Works of Voltaire, 1820, France
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Pietro Metastasio, 1774, France
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Les Orientales by Victor Hugo, 1859, France
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Histoire Ancienne by Rollin, 1816, France
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The Works of Voltaire, 1822, France
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The Works of Cochin, 1821, France
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The Works of Cochin, 1821, France
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Conference et Discours Synodaux, 1761, France
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Abrege de L'Histoire del la Hollande, 1778
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Les Roquevillard by Bordeaux, 1830, France
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Decorative Antique Shabby Books, France
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Tacite Traduction Nouvelle, 1817, France
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Decorative European Book Set for Home Interiors
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The First Communion, 1855, French
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Les Petits Emigres, 1812, France
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Oeuvres de Voltaire, 1785, France
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Pratique de la Perfection Chretienne, 1712, France
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Memorial du Notariat, 1849, France
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Histoire Charles Quint V, 1848, France
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Le Froment Des Elus, 1854, France
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Hughes Capet, 1857, France
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Les Epingles A La Chandelle, 1897, France
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Jacques Coeur, 1850, France
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Les Marins Celebres de la France, 1853
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Trevail et Providence, 1874, France
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Association de Prieres, 1853, France
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Les Oeuvres de Lacques Leschassier, 1651
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Defense of Christianity on Religion, 1825, France
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Pierre le Cruel, 1860, France
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Souvenirs D'Un Vieux Pecheur, 1853, France
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Legends of the New Testament, France
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Exposition du Dogme Catholique, 1877, France
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Histoire Naturelle Des Oiseaux, 1852, France
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Gleams from Goethe & Others
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Old French Dictionary & Others
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La Nonne Alferez, 1894, French
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Jean Racine & Rabelais, 1823, France
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Works of Voltaire & Others, 1800's
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Antique Decorative French Books for Home Interiors
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Le Lion et la Girafe, 1890, France
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Swiss Family Robinson, 1893, France
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Annette et Philibert, 1913, France
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Oeuvres de Philarete Chasles, 1876, France
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The Italian Masters (Art), France
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Works of Voltaire, 1830, France
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Pieces Officielles, 1809, France
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Almanach Des Muses, 1791, France
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Dictionnaire Historique, 1821, France
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Etudes La Comedie de Menandre, 1854, France
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L'Ami De La Religion, 1827, French Pamphlet
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Annales Du Musee, 1808, France
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Works of Moliere, 1800's, France
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Histoire Des Lagides, 1934, France
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Philosophical and Political History, 1775, France
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Roland Furieux by Mazuy, 1839
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Michel Sedaine, 1860s, France
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La Vallee D'Almeria, 1879, France
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Deux Ans Dans L'Inde, 1884, France
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